You need to ensure your business complies by stocking the correct first aid kits, procedures, facilities and training for first aiders. This code applies to all types of work and all workplaces covered by the WHS Act, including workplaces that are outdoors, mobile or remote.

  Yes No Unsure
1. Is your workplace high risk?
2. Do you have workplaces that are remote, or where access to emergency services is difficult?
3. Do you have trained first aiders in your workplace?
4. Do all of your first aiders have current first aid qualifications?
5. Do you have fully stocked first aid kits in your workplace?
6. Do you have fully stocked first aid kits in your vehicles?
7. Do your first aid kits comply with the new Code of Practice?
8. Does your workplace have visible first aid signage?
9. Does your workplace require defibrillators, eye wash facilities etc.?
10. Does your workplace have a current set of first aid procedures?
